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Meet Roger Lee

A No Tomorrows Character Interview

Hello Readers!

Today is our last interview with the fascinating characters of my forthcoming novel, No Tomorrows. Roger Lee, Annie’s husband, just might be the best source of information about Annie’s past and what has driven her fears careening into the present.

I hope you’ve enjoyed these meet-and-greets as much as I have, and that you are now impatient to hold the novel in your hands. (I know I am!)

At the end of this post, you’ll find links to previous No Tomorrows Character Interviews in case you missed any. Hope you enjoy!

Okay, let’s get started.



Good morning, Roger. We’re all here. My readers are dying to meet you and listen to all you know about your lovely wife, Annie. And of course, all about you, too.


Great–hi everyone! I only have about ten minutes before I have to leave for work–big meeting with Seattle corporate today.


Oh, that’s right . . . we heard a rumor. Something about a potential partnership in the investment company you work for.

Am I right?


About half right. There might be something about that. We shall see. It’d sure be nice, though. I’ve been working my tail off for them about ten years. Annie keeps saying I should speak up for myself, but she’s better at that than I am.


Really? We got the idea she’s kind of, well, not a mouse, but her past trauma made her–


I’m going on record right now, Deb, to say she’s definitely not a mouse. Especially when it comes to the kiddos. More of a grizzly, to be honest. And her past trauma, as you put it, is no one else’s business. Wouldn’t you agree?


I’m an author with a tribe of curious readers, Roger. To put it bluntly, nothing about you and your family is “nobody else’s business”.


Don’t expect me to let loose of Annie’s secrets, Deb. I’d never hear the end of it.


We understand, don’t we, readers? Some of those revelations will have to wait for the book.


Great! I hope your readers are a forgiving group, because I haven’t always measured up as a husband.


Very forgiving. And your neighbor, Jake, thinks you haven’t measured up as a groundskeeper, either. Did you see his interview?


I did, the old coot. He’s always yelling at me over my dandelions. Why that’s a source of aggravation, I don’t know. These days, there’s so much more in our world to be aggravated about. What’s a few dandelions? He enjoys gettin’ after me, though, so I let it roll off. Practically the only fun he has left, I guess. It’s the least I can do for the old man after what he’s been through. He–


Hate to interrupt, but can you give us a clue as to what Annie’s afraid of? We almost got it out of Nora and Mr. Bear, but Annie was right there and cut the conversation off.

What happened to her that she walks on eggshells all the time?


Annie didn’t tell you? About Abby . . . the prom . . . and–


Nothing. Nora told us that Mr. Bear knows why she’s afraid all the time, but . . .


Nora’s stuffed animal? Are you seriously telling me that–no, you can’t be. Mr. Bear wasn’t even a thing when Annie was younger. You know, I did hear that Jake thinks authors are certifiable–I’m beginning to believe it, Deb.


Yeah, he did say that–but . . .


Then I guess you’re stuck with nothing. Deb, I gotta fly. That meeting, you know. Great talking to you and your readers.


Darn, Roger–it was just getting interesting. Guess we’ll have to wait for the book. Thanks for taking the time to talk to us, and all the best with that promotion. Say “hi” to your family . . .


Will do. ‘Bye!

Ah, readers, we almost did it. Almost got him to part with some information, didn’t we? About halfway through, though, I knew there was no way he’d blab.

Annie’s secrets are bound up tightly in her own mind and soul, and I think the only way we’ll learn what happened is to let her reveal herself in the story . . . let it flow out at the right time and place. Isn’t that the way of all secrets we try to keep? I think so.

Thank you, Dear Readers, and I promise to keep you updated about the release date of No Tomorrows.

Missed any of the other No Tomorrows Character Interviews? Below are the links. Have a blast . . .

Nora Lee

Mayra, Hank, and Kimmie Lee

Jake Gruber

Ellen Jarvis

Annie Lee




7 responses to “Meet Roger Lee”

  1. Pearl Fredericksen says:

    Happy Thanksgiving. Praying your surgery and healing goes well ?. Your character interviews are fun! I might copy that idea for my newsletter sometime.

    • Deb Gorman says:

      Thanks for reading! Character interviews are very fun. And I always learn something new about my characters . . . stuff they try to hide from me. (I think Jake was right-authors are certifiable. 🙂

      Thanks for your prayers, and I hope you and yours have a blessed holiday season.

  2. Kay DiBianca says:

    Loved the character interviews, Deb. Looking forward to No Tomorrows. (Great title.)

    Praying for successful surgery and speedy recovery for you. And Happy Thanksgiving too!

    • Deb Gorman says:

      Thanks for reading and commenting, Kay. No Tomorrows is my favorite story right now. Cue snickering . . .

      Thanks for your prayers, and I hope you and your family have a Thanksgiving full of, well, thanks! Blessings, my friend. (Wouldn’t it be cool to have coffee together-I mean, actually together?) 🙂

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